Play Your Way to a Happier Life

Play Your Way to a Happier Life

Sep 26, 2024

By Holly Clarkson

Creative Director, Big Mouth Theatre

We know life can get busy, but we also know the magic that a little bit of play can bring to both kids and adults. As a children’s activity provider, we’ve seen first-hand how play lights up faces, builds confidence, and helps everyone feel more connected. But guess what? Play isn’t just for the younger generation — it’s something the whole family can enjoy and benefit from. So, we thought we’d share a few of our favourite ways to bring more play into your lives and show how it can make a real difference.

1. Rediscover the Joy of Play

Do you remember the last time you really played? As adults, we often forget how good it feels to let go and just have fun! Play doesn’t have to be complicated—it can be as simple as painting with your kids, singing in the car, or goofing around at home. We’ve found that when you make time to play, you’ll feel less stressed, more creative, and just a little lighter. And trust us, it’s contagious—the more you play, the more your kids will want to join in!

Why not try: Set aside 10 minutes today to paint, doodle, or do something fun with your kids—without any agenda!

2. Stay Active with Play

Play is also a fantastic way to stay active—with no gym fees required! Whether it’s a kitchen disco, a game of football in the park, or even just racing your kids to the school gate it’s a wonderful way to move your body without it feeling like exercise. We’ve seen it at Big Mouth all the time—when kids are moving and laughing, they’re learning and growing. And when you join in, you're creating those precious shared moments while staying fit!

Try this: Next time your kids start running around, jump in with them. You’ll be out of breath in no time and you’ll have had a giggle too!

3. Build Stronger Connections Through Play

One of the things we love most about play is how it brings people together. Some of the best memories are made when children invite their gown-ups into their imagination! When you enter their make-believe world, it’s not just about the game—it’s about the connection, the laughter, and the memories you’re building together.

Our tip: Step into your child’s imaginary games, and enjoy feeling closer to one and other.

4. Embrace Creative Play for All Ages

Play isn’t just about toys and games—creativity is a huge part of it! At Big Mouth Theatre, we see how drama, art, and storytelling light up children's imaginations, but this doesn’t stop as we get older. Adults need creativity too! So, next time your kids are crafting or painting, join them. Not only will you be spending quality time together, but you might also find a creative spark you didn’t know you had.

Idea: Dedicate a corner of your home to creativity—a spot where you can all paint, draw, or write stories together.

5. Explore the Great Outdoors

Some of the best play happens outside, where you and your family can disconnect from the world and reconnect with each other. Whether it’s a walk in the woods, a trip to the beach, or a simple game of hide and seek in the garden, the outdoors offers endless possibilities for play. It’s such a refreshing way to de-stress, and your kids will love it!

Why not: Plan a family outing to your local park this weekend? Pack some sandwiches (and perhaps your wellies!) and let your kids lead the adventure!

6. Game Night Fun for Everyone

At Big Mouth, we love a good game—it’s such a great way to let go, unwind and have a laugh. Pull out some old-school board games, or challenge your kids to a video game duel! Even if you’re not a gamer, you’ll find that the fun and connection that comes from playing together is worth it.

Give this a go: Introduce your kids to a board game you loved as a child. You might find they’re surprisingly good at it, and it’ll be a trip down memory lane for you!

7. Mindful Play for a Calm Mind

Mindfulness doesn’t have to be serious—it can be playful too! Things like yoga, mindful movement, or even colouring can help us all slow down and breathe. At Big Mouth, we often use mindfulness in our warm-ups, and it’s amazing how much it helps children (and adults) feel calm and focused. Try bringing a bit of mindful play into your routine—your mind and body will thank you.

Why not try: Set aside a few minutes for some simple yoga or a mindful stretching session with your children. It’s a lovely way to unwind!

8. Create a Playful Space at Home

One of our favourite things to do is create a special space for play. It could be a cosy nook for storytelling or a corner where you keep all your arts and crafts supplies. Having a designated area for fun encourages both kids and adults to play more. Plus, it makes playtime feel like a special part of your day!

Idea: Why not transform a corner of your living room into a playful space where your family can get creative together?

9. Learn from Your Little Ones

If you’re ever unsure how to play, just watch your kids! They’re experts at using their imaginations and finding joy in the simplest things. Join in their games, ask them to teach you their rules, and you’ll rediscover a sense of wonder and fun that’s been waiting for you. We love seeing how kids bring out the playful side in adults at Big Mouth Theatre!

Tip: Next time your child asks you to play, say yes! Whether it’s building a fort or pretending to be superheroes, the memories will be priceless.

10. Make Play a Daily Ritual

The best thing about play is that it doesn’t have to be a grand event—it can be woven into the fabric of your everyday life. Maybe it’s a quick dance break, favourite impressions, or a storytelling session before bed. Whatever it is, make play a daily habit, and you’ll notice the positive effects on your mood, your relationships, and your overall well-being.

Challenge: Take 5 minutes every day this week to do something playful. We promise it’ll make a big difference!

From all of us at Big Mouth Theatre, we hope this inspires you to make play a bigger part of your family’s life. Whether it’s at home or at a club, we love seeing the joy and confidence that play brings to both kids and adults. So go on, take a little time for fun — you deserve it!